Ignited Leaders Intensive
Are you ready to go to the next level and develop the leadership skills to lead you to a life of SUCCESS and SIGNIFICANCE?
Together we use proven leadership principles through education, coaching, and masterminds to develop and implement the skills you need to grow, succeed and lead a life of joy and significance. Your transformation leads you to become the CEO of your business and your life. The Ignited Leaders Intensive is a 90-day Training, Coaching, and Mastermind series that meets weekly for 90 minutes, culminating with a TAKE ACTION graduation. The group is small (10 people maximum) with significant opportunities for relationship building, interaction, and support.
When you become the CEO of your life, you lead your Business, Family, Community, and Faith to Success and Significance!
You begin your journey with an Inspiration Session that includes an introduction to your community, an overview of the IGNITED program, and Inspiration guides to get you started on your path to becoming the CEO of your life. Each week creates new opportunities to grow and develop in new areas of leadership guiding you to a transformation in thinking and actions.
It’s Time To Take Charge! Ask Yourself:
- Are you overwhelmed and unfulfilled, stuck trying to “do it all” and not able to fulfill your purpose? Maybe you are not even clear about YOUR PURPOSE.
- Are you feeling frustrated & confused, trying to balance everything, and not knowing why you don’t have the time to enjoy life?
- Are you struggling to create the business results that you want and deserve while serving the people who need you?
- Are you afraid you are missing out on big opportunities that could change your life?
- Are you achieving success and yet you know you should be PLAYING BIGGER and making a greater impact?
Then It’s Time To Get Clear On Your Purpose
- Get clear on your purpose, refine your vision, create productive habits, and define and achieve your goals! Reach out to us today and together we will ignite your spark of inspiration and get you on the path to success and significance.
- Are you working harder and longer, hiring better people, adding or improving products and services to achieve success? They are all good but won’t make a difference until you change how you think. You need to think and act like a leader. Become the CEO of your business and your life.
- When you change the way you think and act using proven leadership principles, success and significance follow.
- This program is for you whether you know where you want to go in your business and life or you are still working on your WHY and wondering what is possible. We will give you ideas, support, and guidance to ignite your path to success!
- While you learn and implement the key leadership principles, you also develop strategies and tactics to create a successful, sustainable business. As you grow and transform into the CEO, you will see the impact in your business, family interactions, and your faith life. It’s a journey, and we will put you on the right track with a roadmap to get there.
Join us and we will help you achieve the business and life you deserve!
Ignited Leaders Intensive Is a Roadmap to Success
- Influence: Leadership is Influence
- Goals: Dynamic, effective goal setting and achievement
- Nitro: Productivity, get more done in less time
- Inspiration: Create a spark of Inspiration; ignite your life
- Tracking: You cannot grow what you do not measure
- Emotional Intelligence: Leadership is a “people business” and emotional intelligence is the missing link
- Demonstrate: Get into ACTION!